~A good snapshot stops a moment from running away~ Eudora Welty

Monday 9 May 2011

Miss Rylee {3 yrs old}

This sweet little girl made me work!  Not that many smiles came out of Rylee but when they did, they turned out beautifully! 

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Amber's Family {March 2010}

Amber has got to have two of the cutest munchkins :)  I had a lot of fun trying to wrangle up one munchkin to sit with the other!  Ah, you take what you can get sometimes!   

Sweet Liam {25 days}

Well, this little man certainly gave us a run for our money!  For such a little guy, he sure did fight his sleep!  Thanks so much to his mommy Melissa for being patient with me for all the time we took to try to get him to sleep so we could try out a few new things :)

Jeanine's bump {Maternity}

Jeanine and Russ were so much fun to work with!  Even if Russ was a bit under the weather, I think he did his research on maternity pictures because he was on top of every position I asked him to be in! 

There's that perfect heart that Russ was practising ;)

Kam & Russ are married {February 2011}

I was honoured that my cousin Kamara had asked me to take pictures for her wedding to Russ.  You can never go wrong with the beautiful Mexican ocean as your backdrop.  Seeing as I was already attending the wedding (and going on a gorgeous vacation), I was delighted to capture their special memories :)